Monday, March 12, 2007


So I have finally had a chance to record the events that have transpired so far. First of all...Nebraska sucks...not a little but a lot. It doesn't even warrent further mention. 'A' got really sick there and had really sucky medical attention. She is much better now. YEAH!!! So we proceeded on to Colorado Springs, which we thought...WoW.. that is amazing. I took tons of pictures of the Garden of the back to the hotel and well...disk stopped working and couldn't load them AHHHHHH!!!! So frankly...I wasn't in a mood to blog...I was upset. I had to get a new disk for my camera. All better now and room for over 1200 pics...oh YAH!

We did have a very nice hotel there...Put in a plug for Best Western Pikes Peak...Great bisquit and gravy and waffle bar...yummy.

We then Utah. Just so you know...Mapquest doesn't consider mountains when it considers drive 8 hours turned out to be about 12. But it was soooooo worth it. What we saw today made Garden of the Gods look like a vegetable garden. I was driving so 'A' has all the pics...I will get the pics and post some of my favs. It was amazing... and extremely crazy to drive through. I had a hard time keeping my eyes on the road. Well, I am tired. Tomorrow...or I should say in the morning we will take a tour of Moab, UT. Very exciting...well, good night. WOW!! God is did he come up with this. If this is earth...what could heaven be like. WOW!!!


Anonymous said...

I got pulled over one time in the mountains for going too slow- the fastest my station wagon would go was 40 on the interstate- semi-trucks were passing us for heaven's sake!
Have a great time! Please corner me at church and show me all your pictures- I'm dying to see them- esp ones with your boy and mountains in the background- so cute!!!

S.B.G. said...

beautiful pics!!

Garden of the Gods was beautiful, I enjoyed it as well years ago when I was out there with my family~

can't wait to see many more pics (online/offline) :-)

S.B.G. said...

btw love those western fences!