Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Pointless,cute and funny & rats in my bed

I found these today when my student and I were trying to make a card for a sick student. We were laughing so hard at the absurdity of it. And yet it is still extremely funny and cute in its own rite. Again, you get a view of the inside of my psyche. Nobody gets my humor (except perhaps the people who took these pictures.) Kind of comforting to think of that....and a little frightening.

Okay, I suffered from terrible nightmares the last couple nights. Monsters in the world and me hiding in a crawspace in a basement. That was managable if not exhausting. Then, I had the rats in my bed. Now, I had pet rats growing up and have been an avid lover and advicate of them as pets. It is a little different when you dream of them in your bed biting and scratching at you and you can't move or scream...And I was terrified. I woke up and thought for a moment it wasn't a dream. ICKY!!! I was so tired I cried. This of course led to me thinking this is spiritual warfare. I asked a friend over and we prayed about it. In fact, I emailed her earlier and could feel when she prayed for me...I was very grateful. Anyway, I slept wonderfully last night and I am so thankful that God takes care of even the little things in our life. Thank you Lord and good night everyone.

Monday, October 1, 2007

tired still and a little punchy...hahaha

It's late. Just finished doing part of my homework and studying for spanish test... My brain is fried in an overtired, punchy Think everything is funny sort of way. Typed in late night on google image and thought this was pretty funny. A simple look into the dark side of my brain...I will probably regret this post tomorrow and swiftly delete it so enjoy it while you can.

Sunday, September 30, 2007


It must be some reminicient childhood stubborness that leads to my wasting time typing up a stupid blog entry when I am utterly and completely tired. I do everything I can to avoid going to bed. Doing dishes, homework, laundry...all those necesary evils of life...heck...I even like sleeping. So...WHY do I avoid it. I say to myself "GO TO BED, You are exhausted" And yet here I am...Silly...and frankly rediculous! If anyone can explain this insanity to me...I would apreciate it...Thanks and GOOD Night.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Me....wierd?Hmmm I've been tagged

Okay, so I have been and on again, off again blogger. Terrible, I know, but yah. Deal with it. Well, would like to think of myself as wierd...resisting normalcy (is that a real word?), in my head, as much as possible. Upon being tagged, I have thought and thought and thought about how I am wierd, realizing my over thinking things to a terrible degree is a weird trait of mine as well as my overuse of periods.......and run on sentences, I am actually too normal for my own comfort. I know...what is normal? Normal is what you think of when you think of grandmas and comfortably married couples, who mow the lawn and enjoy a good movie. So I have concluded that my "normalcy" is my wierdness. I love 70's and 80's music...okay that is truly wierd.

I love quilting though I only do it like one day a year. It is like a momentary obsession that drives me to complete from start to finish, a queen size quilt in an overnighter madrush frenzy. I read my books the same way. This is actually a fault of mine...I love the end...being done with something is so satisfying. My relationship with God conflicts with this trait...since we will never really be done on earth. Can't wait for Hmmm.

Along with quilting, I collect fabric...lots and lots of fabric...will never ever use all this fabric...but it is oh so pretty and stuff. Pathetic, I know, but it just may be an addiction. I just moved and discoverd just how much I have...sigh...that was a lot to move...hahaha.
I have a love/hate relationship with running...would love to do it...feel the wind whip in my hair and the sweet burn of a good workout...only I loath and despise the idea of running with no destination in mind and the thought of shin splints and side stitches too don't help.

I love, love, love fairy tales...not the old versions, but the re-written versions, especially remakes of beauty and the beast. Shrek is one of these tales. I like the ones that keep the beast a beast. Okay, one of my genuinely wierd traits is I never like had a crush on superheros or strong men...yuck...ego city to me. I always liked the Monsters and the creatures. Swamp thing, Vincent (from the TV series Beauty and the Beast), even Michaelangelo (ninja turtle). Don't really know why, just a friek I

Okay, if you have read any of my blogs you probably missed every joke I put in here. I have a sense of humor that nobody laughs at and I don't get anyone elses humor. I will say a joke in the staff lounge and everyone looks down and goes can practically hear them thinking, "was that a joke?" Yikes.

Oh...I love turtles. this may stem from my childhood love for good ol' Mikey (TMNT), but I have a pet turtle that is named Telly...shortened for the Russian word for turtle I don't know how to spell. I have turtles on my desk, I have turtle wind chimes and turtle whistles I made out of clay...they are just cute.

Um...I can talk to anyone...unless they are really weird...hahaha...or they talk to me first...then I clam up. I love talking to perfect strangers in the elevator, in class, in a line at a restaurant or at a mall. I will talk about the weather, a better deal at another store or comment on thier sweet shoes. I love talking to people I don't know. Along this line, I also like traveling alone, as in not with people I know really well. Yah, Your thinkin' "you went out west with 'A'" that was different. I went on a mission trip when I was 16 to Mexico, with a team from another church and it was fun getting to know new people.

Finally, a thing nobody really knows about me...yep...confession time. I like to write stories...all kinds of stories. long stories even. And nobody has read any of my work...and that is okay. I have made up and written stories since I was seven.
Okay I guess I don't have to worry too much about being too normal...I take that back...well good night and stuff.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Okay So I havn't written in a long time...took a break from the wireless world to save some cash over the summer...still don't have it but I feel bad. What has happened to me lately...hmmm. I moved last June to an AWESOME new place. I have an office that ...for right now is overcome with monsters in the shape of brown cardboard boxes...not my fault really... Anyway I worked for six weeks and haven't worked for pretty much the entirety of August. Sounds horrible...doesn't it...sleeping in...nothing to do but clean your house, paint and watch alot. It WAS not really. Aside from being dirt poor, God took good care of us and it turned out to be excellent. Painted my wood paneled bathroom and delightful light green and now it is girly. LOVE IT!!! Ill try to post pictures. Anyway, I am looking forward to school starting and life getting back to some kind of routine. I have been tagged for ten wierd things about me...that should not be hard at all. I am sure all my loving and adoring fans are looking forward to that. HAHAHA...can't say that with a straight face. Well, until five months from now. BUBBYE

Sunday, April 15, 2007

SOOO busy

Sorry for the delay...I too fell into the world of not blogging. I apologize

I have so many pictures of the trip...and so many fun ones. I love the one with my son balancing the rock on his it didn't crush him I don't know.

Anyway, I am going to be done with the semester in three weeks...hurray! looking forward to it. End of May we will be moving down the road a couple of blocks...three bedroom ( I will have an office/sewing room..YESSS!), and a WASHER AND DRYER (all the ladies out there understand the magnitude of that last point). I have been going to the laundry mat for over 7 years. I did have a laundry room for a year in there but had to move. I had enough with creepy guys, rust colored white shirts and driers that burned my clothes. Thank You Lord for this blessing. Although I am a horrible pack rat, and dread the actual moving process (fear it would be closer to my actual feelings), it will be worth it by far, in the end.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Where do I begin...

On a trip like this, when you see and do so much...I just don't know where to begin. I posted some of my favorite pictures...only three of over a thousand. I had never seen mountains, cliffs or canyons before and frankly it all took my breath away. I kept thinking that this was so beautiful. I know WI is gorgeous...and in this trip(after the horrer that is Nebraska and Southern Wyoming)...hmm (no offense to the natives of those states...its just not my bag of cheetos) ... I have discovered I have a great love for trees. But anyway, I saw all this beauty and my head nearly exploded to think how gorgeous heaven will be...and not only that...but Jesus will be there....sigh. Heaven will have great big trees, mountains and huge lakes. Lots of wild life...I hope...only it won't be wild. Probably have as much antelope as Wyoming...have to go there to get that. There are a lot!!! I bet the Antelope will stare at you there too. lol.
Don't you love the pic with my boy. I love it. It was inspired by my blog pic and thought I would try it...I am very pleased with how it turned out. Anyway, this is only an intro. I am not recovered from this vacation yet...I need a vacation to Tengo sueno . Good night.

Monday, March 12, 2007


So I have finally had a chance to record the events that have transpired so far. First of all...Nebraska sucks...not a little but a lot. It doesn't even warrent further mention. 'A' got really sick there and had really sucky medical attention. She is much better now. YEAH!!! So we proceeded on to Colorado Springs, which we thought...WoW.. that is amazing. I took tons of pictures of the Garden of the back to the hotel and well...disk stopped working and couldn't load them AHHHHHH!!!! So frankly...I wasn't in a mood to blog...I was upset. I had to get a new disk for my camera. All better now and room for over 1200 pics...oh YAH!

We did have a very nice hotel there...Put in a plug for Best Western Pikes Peak...Great bisquit and gravy and waffle bar...yummy.

We then Utah. Just so you know...Mapquest doesn't consider mountains when it considers drive 8 hours turned out to be about 12. But it was soooooo worth it. What we saw today made Garden of the Gods look like a vegetable garden. I was driving so 'A' has all the pics...I will get the pics and post some of my favs. It was amazing... and extremely crazy to drive through. I had a hard time keeping my eyes on the road. Well, I am tired. Tomorrow...or I should say in the morning we will take a tour of Moab, UT. Very exciting...well, good night. WOW!! God is did he come up with this. If this is earth...what could heaven be like. WOW!!!

Friday, March 2, 2007 thats procrastination!

So 'A', my son and I have been planning a Spring Break vacation for about a year...since we slept through last years. About 2 months ago, I think, we settle on Utah and Colorado. Sounds random, but there is a reason. 'A' went to school there and knows people. So now spring break is in a week and do we have everything nailed down....NOPE! Okay do we have some things nailed down....Besides the destination and an unreliable map from map quest printed off...nope...thats We will, however, discuss it We are calling it If anyone has any tips, advise...etc. Let me know..we could use it.

Thursday, March 1, 2007 I'm completely useless.

So I looked out my window with glee this afternoon...suspecting a repeat snow day...and what do I see but my neighbor stuck up to her axils in snow. I think to myself...get off your lazy snowday can and help I did. I went out there and shoveled a little and pushed but to no avail. She then said...I know...I will just snowblow my driveway now and then move the I then glance toward the street and see some college students who have been standing next to thier running car since I first got out there and I say to myself...get off your can and see whats up. So I walk over and ask, "Whats up?" It turns out the girl moved her car to the other side of the street for calender parking reasons, got out, and the car automatically locks all doors...(who was the idiot who designed that?). I say I will get a coat hanger...and that doesn't work on these kind of locks...oh well. They call a locksmith. While over there I see a guy plowing out a drive way. I go over and beg him to plow out mine...and for $15 he does...and was money well spent. While plowing out my driveway, he breaks his plow and spends about 30 minutes outside, while I stand there and make sure he has everything he I could help...He fixes it and finishes up. I am now relaxing on my lazy snowday can enjoying reading all my friends blogs....because I am completely I love snowdays!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I love my church family!

There is something so beautiful about a really big snow. This is the kind of snow I remember having as a child. Snow so deep, with great mountains of snow, waiting to be made into giant fortresses. With all that said, I looked down my looooong driveway and with a great sigh, started shoveling...I don't remember this part of winter being included in my childhood...sigh. And what do I see on the horizon, but a rescue party. All my church family toting shovels. After this I just had the thought, how do people live without God, without a family like mine. Thank you God, and thank you again everyone for your help. Like I told Jonah, I would have gotten 1/3 done and collapsed in tears. We finished off with a wonderful bowl of chili and a trip to the movie theater to see Ghost rider...This movie was oozing with testosterone...lots of fire and... um... tight have to agree with "A" about being thankful for being a girl...This made watching this movie very funny. ANY way...Great guy movie experience. I love my family.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


For all you crazy/nerdy trek fans out there ( I am one, I have to admit) here she is, BORG BARBIE. My blog seemed so empty without some kind of cheap shot at her. Doesn't she just make you want to be her...Oh wait...resistance is have to be her.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sick dog

So I was not feeling well last night. I felt like I was drunk...only I wasn't...I was stumbling around and every time I bent down I nearly fell over. When I went to bed I had the spins so bad I couldn't fall asleep. I was up till 1:30 am. Then my dog chimed in. My poor puppy is a chocolate lab and she kinda chirps when she has to go outside. every 15 minutes she was chirping and waking me up. I would procede to do the exhausted, bad attitude, "QUIET". I know this sounds mean...but I was soooooo tired and didn't feel well. Well, I finally got up and let her out...and got up and let her out....and yet up and let her out. At 5 am I stood outside in the cold and waited while she strolled around outside....When I came back in I realized there was a distinct smell. She had used my sons room know...not once...not twice...but three times....iiiiiccckkyyyy! Keep in mind... I still don't feel well. I nearly lost it myself. So anyway she is confined to an easily cleaned area and she is chirping now because I won't let her sleep in my bed. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN...sorry honey. I am simpathetic to her and I feel bad but I cannot have that my bed.....gag. So now we are doing the burger and rice diet and hoping for a healing. Hopefully this is a short lived illness for both our sakes.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Am I a good friend?

"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you."

Dale Carnegie

I have found I do not do this so well. I do not listen and I strive so hard for people to understand me. This I see is selfish, self-centered and really immature.

Today I was listening to a local Christian radio station. The pastor was talking about how we should ask ourselves what kind of friends we choose for ourselves. Are they people who build us up and encourage us to walk in a way that is righteous and holy? Do they raise the bar or lower the bar in "grace?" Don't get me wrong...there is definately a grace factor that is essential in friendship, but there also needs to be a sense of gentle encouragement...and in some cases brusk encouragement. Perhaps I am just really off on this but I thought to myself which friend am I? I do not fault the choices of my friends in choosing me...but I want to be that person for them. I am often too afraid to say what may need to be said. Afraid that if I am brutally honest, I may lose them. Fear is not a good thing in this sense...and certainly not when I know that they will not leave me if I do tell the truth. In fact, in not telling the truth, I am lying to my friend and hurting them. Anyway, I am rambling and very you couldn't tell. I also would hope that my friends would tell me the brutal truth. I hope they do not fear hurting me. I know I need it. Such a sentimental entry. Well anyway, good night.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Just happy I figured out how to add a picture to my profile...and I love it.

Home sick

You ever notice how...when your at work, you would practically give a pinky toe to go home and take a nap. And then when you are stuck at home you are so bored out of your skull you would would give the other pinky toe to even go to Wal-Mart. My munchkin woke up this morning pretty sick. All hot and sweaty and looking like death. Right back to bed with him. He has slept all day now and hopefully he'll feel better when he wakes up. I tried watching church online and there was no sound...hmm. I am not tech savey so I turned on the radio and got annoyed that the words didn't line up with Tim's mouth...darn speed of light being faster than speed of sound. So I did dishes while I listened. Awesome study. God is everywhere...even the radio.

I actually have plenty to do here. I haven't done laundry in awhile...DESPISE laundry matts..what can you do? So back to cleaning quietly so my child can rest. Actually my child is much like Tim. Tim said he could sleep through a hurricane...So can my kid. I think that kid would sleep right through a heavy metal bad hosted in his room.

Anyhooo bubbye

Friday, February 16, 2007

Why no notes?

So I just finished a test for my online class. Perhaps...just is my wicked heart but why would they say no notes allowed for the test I take they think people will not cheat? Just for the 87% shows quite clearly I did not. This wasn't just any test was insane. 100 questions down to the most forgetable detail. ARGH!!! dropped my class grade to 92...I know it isn't bad...but I really don't like seeing numbers going down. Anyway, airing my frustrations and wondering why? We covered enough material that an open note card at least. Oh, well. At least I didn't fail...thank you Jesus!! By the way...I am still happy that God is letting me go to school...that he is readying me in so many areas...even the area of nonsensical exam

Also... for all those people out there who like crazy's one for you.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Today we had an assembly at my job...I work at a school. It was about bullying, more accurately, treating people like human beings that have feelings. It was really intense and I think they did a great job. In the end he had all the kids who have ever felt bullied come down and take the chains of this girl. Everyone went down. He then had everyone sign a tarp and to seek out anyone they may have hurt in the past and apologize...and some actually did. Kids were crying and hugging...and calm. They didn't leave right away. It was amazing. What really struck me throughout the presentation was the hurt in all these kids, both in the movies shown and the kids in the gym. They felt alone. One slide even said, "I wish I was still close to God." I know where that girl is. It is a terribly painful place to not know for certainty or to realize that he is still right here and will never leave. This really showed me the need. I have always known there was a need, but never has it been so apparent or real. I guess I get so wrapped up in my own selfish needs, I neglect the assignment that God has given me. Lord help me to not just see but to do. Provide opportunities and prepare hearts.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Monday, February 12, 2007

Long day.

So my mondays are intense...not complaining...just busy. Work, class, class, singles study, hang out...go to bed. YAWN. I just have to mention how great God is!! I am utterly exhausted and so thankful for all the things he lets me do. Go to a great job (I love it and I know how lucky I am to have even a job), I get to go back to school and learn things (I love being a student), I get to learn about Him and hang out with the best family a girl could have. And I get to do all this to better serve Him. Tonight we learned how much God loves us, that He is guiding us all along and that we need to trust Him.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

I don't get and nod.

Okay, so I succumbed to the blogging craze. Oh well, I just wanted to fit in. I never see my friends and found out that people I have long thought as rather quiet are actually hilarious. What can you do?

Anyway, short introduction to the author. I love chocolate, tolerate exercise, and as the title states I don't always get it. I know I am not alone in this situation...what do they say...birds of a feather. I find myself more times than not in a situation where a joke is stated or someone is being sarcastic...and I freeze. Do I laugh or do I ...I don't know...say I'm sorry? I of course get it later...and even have a great comeback...when that come back is no longer funny...oh well. lol
I guess that is why I love dumb humor, farts and the like. Dumb and Dumber, Napolian Dynamite...the humor is so obvious ( and immature) I don't struggle to get it. lol

Personally, I live in a a small zoo with a rotating selection of animals. From birds to hampsters, from big dogs to a 7 year old boy, they all add to my wonderful home.

Anyway, I hope this suffices for now. Don't expect much humor...Along with not getting others humor...I'm not to good at coming up with it Don't suffer in silence and complain...give me some tips.