Sunday, September 30, 2007


It must be some reminicient childhood stubborness that leads to my wasting time typing up a stupid blog entry when I am utterly and completely tired. I do everything I can to avoid going to bed. Doing dishes, homework, laundry...all those necesary evils of life...heck...I even like sleeping. So...WHY do I avoid it. I say to myself "GO TO BED, You are exhausted" And yet here I am...Silly...and frankly rediculous! If anyone can explain this insanity to me...I would apreciate it...Thanks and GOOD Night.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Me....wierd?Hmmm I've been tagged

Okay, so I have been and on again, off again blogger. Terrible, I know, but yah. Deal with it. Well, would like to think of myself as wierd...resisting normalcy (is that a real word?), in my head, as much as possible. Upon being tagged, I have thought and thought and thought about how I am wierd, realizing my over thinking things to a terrible degree is a weird trait of mine as well as my overuse of periods.......and run on sentences, I am actually too normal for my own comfort. I know...what is normal? Normal is what you think of when you think of grandmas and comfortably married couples, who mow the lawn and enjoy a good movie. So I have concluded that my "normalcy" is my wierdness. I love 70's and 80's music...okay that is truly wierd.

I love quilting though I only do it like one day a year. It is like a momentary obsession that drives me to complete from start to finish, a queen size quilt in an overnighter madrush frenzy. I read my books the same way. This is actually a fault of mine...I love the end...being done with something is so satisfying. My relationship with God conflicts with this trait...since we will never really be done on earth. Can't wait for Hmmm.

Along with quilting, I collect fabric...lots and lots of fabric...will never ever use all this fabric...but it is oh so pretty and stuff. Pathetic, I know, but it just may be an addiction. I just moved and discoverd just how much I have...sigh...that was a lot to move...hahaha.
I have a love/hate relationship with running...would love to do it...feel the wind whip in my hair and the sweet burn of a good workout...only I loath and despise the idea of running with no destination in mind and the thought of shin splints and side stitches too don't help.

I love, love, love fairy tales...not the old versions, but the re-written versions, especially remakes of beauty and the beast. Shrek is one of these tales. I like the ones that keep the beast a beast. Okay, one of my genuinely wierd traits is I never like had a crush on superheros or strong men...yuck...ego city to me. I always liked the Monsters and the creatures. Swamp thing, Vincent (from the TV series Beauty and the Beast), even Michaelangelo (ninja turtle). Don't really know why, just a friek I

Okay, if you have read any of my blogs you probably missed every joke I put in here. I have a sense of humor that nobody laughs at and I don't get anyone elses humor. I will say a joke in the staff lounge and everyone looks down and goes can practically hear them thinking, "was that a joke?" Yikes.

Oh...I love turtles. this may stem from my childhood love for good ol' Mikey (TMNT), but I have a pet turtle that is named Telly...shortened for the Russian word for turtle I don't know how to spell. I have turtles on my desk, I have turtle wind chimes and turtle whistles I made out of clay...they are just cute.

Um...I can talk to anyone...unless they are really weird...hahaha...or they talk to me first...then I clam up. I love talking to perfect strangers in the elevator, in class, in a line at a restaurant or at a mall. I will talk about the weather, a better deal at another store or comment on thier sweet shoes. I love talking to people I don't know. Along this line, I also like traveling alone, as in not with people I know really well. Yah, Your thinkin' "you went out west with 'A'" that was different. I went on a mission trip when I was 16 to Mexico, with a team from another church and it was fun getting to know new people.

Finally, a thing nobody really knows about me...yep...confession time. I like to write stories...all kinds of stories. long stories even. And nobody has read any of my work...and that is okay. I have made up and written stories since I was seven.
Okay I guess I don't have to worry too much about being too normal...I take that back...well good night and stuff.