Okay So I havn't written in a long time...took a break from the wireless world to save some cash over the summer...still don't have it but I feel bad. What has happened to me lately...hmmm. I moved last June to an AWESOME new place. I have an office that ...for right now is overcome with monsters in the shape of brown cardboard boxes...not my fault really... Anyway I worked for six weeks and haven't worked for pretty much the entirety of August. Sounds horrible...doesn't it...sleeping in...nothing to do but clean your house, paint and watch TV...read alot. It WAS horrible....really....no not really. Aside from being dirt poor, God took good care of us and it turned out to be excellent. Painted my wood paneled bathroom and delightful light green and now it is girly.
LOVE IT!!! Ill try to post pictures. Anyway, I am looking forward to school starting and life getting back to some kind of routine. I have been tagged for ten wierd things about me...that should not be hard at all. I am sure all my loving and adoring fans are looking forward to that. HAHAHA...can't say that with a straight face. Well, until five months from now. BUBBYE